Bitrix24 (target)

  1. Click the red gear to show your Plugs. Choose the one you want to use and click β€œContinue.” You may also create a new one under β€œCreate a connection.”

  1. Pick the action and module corresponding to the record imported from Alegra. This will display a data template with the fields you can log into your Bitrix24 module.

  1. Fill in the data template, linking target fields with their source equivalents. Make sure you fill in the required fields (marked with a red asterisk). Once done, click β€œMap.”

Bitrix demands a second and last name for your contact. If you’re not recording this information in Alegra, you can add a constant. In this case, I used a period.

  1. Make sure your target app is active (the ON/OFF button in the top-right corner). Then, click β€œSave.”

Remember to turn on your integration in the β€œGears” menu before closing GearPlug!

Last updated