
SugarCRM lets you manage your business from one interface: contacts, opportunities, files, and more. Integrating SugarCRM into GearPlug lets you move information between your CRM and other apps to create new records in both.

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As a source

As a source, SugarCRM only needs one action: New record created. However, this action lets you draw information from virtually any module within your CRM.

GearPlug integrates over 30 modules. You have basic ones, like clients, products, and events. But, you can also use more advanced modules, like audience lists and project templates.

As a target

As a target, SugarCRM only needs one action: Insert record into selected module. However, this action lets you create records in virtually any module within your CRM.

GearPlug integrates over 30 modules. You have basic ones, like clients, products, and events. But, you can also use more advanced modules, like audience lists and project templates.

Last updated